So Rob took the afternoon from work to go to the court hearing for the 4 year old. He got to speak his peace although I was very annoyed to find out that the letter to the Judge I sent via certified mail never got there!
Not that it would have made a difference. The 4 year old is going back to her bio family and the silver lining in all of this is that the judge had ordered us to stay involved. The family has said that is what they wanted so we will see how it plays out. This surprised me as I didn't think things like that could be ordered but the judge said it and so it shall be.
I am guessing that we'll be allowed to take her to the country a few times a year which will be a nice way to stay involved. We are trying to look at this as a win win though it will be hard to say goodbye to a little one that has been with us for more than a year.
She leaves tomorrow.