Thursday, January 22, 2009

Can simply naming your child be considered an act of abuse?

If you name your 3 children:
-Adolf Hitler Campbell
-Joyce Lynn Aryan Nation Campbell
-Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell

Can that be considered an act of abuse? Is it free speech?

Here in NJ, two parents who named their children the above and were refused a birthday cake for little Adolf at a grocery store are getting a lot of press. After the article that reported the cake refusal was published, the parents soon afterward had their three children taken away by the Division of Youth and Family Services [DYFS].

While the facts are not yet clear, some are speculating that the kids were taken away simply because of their names. As a foster parent that works daily with DYFS, I find this very hard to believe. I am sure that the same parents that would choose to name their kids in such an offensive way are not the parents of the year, by any stretch of the imagination.

Either way it is a very sad case. Could you imagine going through life being named little Adolf Hitler?
What is the point of naming your children this way?
If you have opinions of a certain way, then name _yourself_ this way but your children? I really do not get it.

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