Sunday, July 15, 2007

crying crying and more crying

today was a difficult day for us. from the moment m got up the 3 yo was in a cranky, i'm so helpless, and argumentative frame of mind. if we laid out an order, to stay on the couch, for example, she'd purposely question the order over and over again.

all this is exacerbated by the fact that she's got some kind of bug that seems to be giving her a low-grade fever. she claims she's fine but her temps seem to be a bit high.

all this to say that after a few time-outs that did no good, we sent her to her room. this of course was tantamount to capital punishment. immediately, she was screaming and crying for her mother which she does just about any time she feels sad or is crying.

part of me knows that ferberizing or letting a kid cry while they deal with consequences is OK but it sure is heartbreaking to think of the heart break of separation and the fear that a foster child must be dealing with.

thankfully, she's in a better mood but like all things the crying jags will come back.

definitely one of the tougher challenges of being a parent and especially a foster parent.


Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine from your end, however my heart feels wrenched when I think of her crying for her mother.

Believe me, she feels helpless and hopless and there is nothing you can say to make that feeling go away.

I think just holding her and redirecting her thoughts to something positive would the the only thing...

I can imagine the anguish she is feeling.