Sunday, July 15, 2007

the backstory - the pivotal moment

so you may be wondering why we are doing this. well i can speak for myself. about 20 years ago when i was a young, swinging, and carefree young man living in the city i heard a radio report on AIDS. the reporter said something along the lines that in NYC, by the year 2000 there'd be 25,000 kids who had lost both parents to AIDS.

I don't know how to explain it other than to say at that instant, I woke up to something. it was the realization that at some point I would be a parent to a child whose parents were not able or around to take care of them.


Anonymous said...

Hi. I wandered over from Joe's knitting blog.

That's a fucking intense realization. I had a similar one a few weeks ago. I'm 20, probably too young to be deciding whether I want kids or not, but for the past few months, I have thought I don't want kids at all. I decided that if I still feel this way when I'm 25-30, I'll get my tubes tied and if I change my mind, I will adopt children. This has evolved into "I would rather adopt any children I have, period." I just don't think I'm ever going to be stable enough to have a child and be a good mother.

I'm straight, but I live in Missouri. I think laws are a little looser here than in Kansas (where I lived for five years), but not by much. Sounds like New Jersey is on the right track.

I like your blog, I'm glad you started it.