Friday, July 27, 2007

the stirrings of attachment

its funny how the mind works if you watch it. so here we have a new child in the home and as we get used to having her energy around, i can see the mechanism of attachment start to work in my mind. for example, a few nights ago, i had a vivid and unpleasant dream which is unlike me.

in the dream, i was with the kid and at one point i realized that there was a pervert who was doing something inappropriate within view of us. i immediately got enraged [again unlike me] and sought to hurt [even more unlike me!] the perpatrator for exposing my kid to this ugliness.

i do recall upon waking that i was upset and angry. when i realized that it was just a dream, i heaved a huge sigh of relief for nothing in the dream needed to be dealt with and it seemed like a primer for the protective parenting role that we must become adept at.

i immediately thought of hawks protecting their young. so beautiful from afar but when close you realize how sharp those talons are and how risky it would be to cross them