Monday, July 23, 2007

first time away.

well a friend and i managed to get away for a weekend of camping to check out the yonder mountain string band. it was my first time away from rob and m since she came to our home. it was definitely hard to not be here for rob as i know how much harder things are when you have to take care of a child on your own.

now that i'm back i'm much more aware of how our family dynamic has taken shape. like most 3 year olds, m sure is a handful. always asking questions and usually 4 or 5 times at that. what makes it more difficult is how verbal she is. one gets the notion that she can comprehend what she's asking for and the response but it's not so. unfortunately, its all to easy to forget this.

it was good to take a few steps back to get some additional perspective.
having a kid sure is hard work! but it sure is good work.