Friday, August 10, 2007

Burning it off....

Dealing with the new element in our lives...the Divine Miss M. ( seriously, this 3 year old would probably go with this description if she was aware of it ), has of course had it's up and downs. Probably the biggest adjustment we are both still dealing with is selflessness vs. selfishness...Newsflash, if you don't have kids it's probably a given you are selfish. This is not being demeaning toward anyone to be sure, it's simply a fact. I would have quickly said prior to our foster child's appearance that I was not selfish. I WAS WRONG. I have uttered more than once to myself..." Oh come on....get over it, what about what I want!!! "Especially after a long harried day at work I have thought this. The non-stop "me me me me me me " that can come from a toddler can be amazing. Of course, now I realize it's just who they are. The easiest way I have discovered to combat this is to make them tired. matter how tired you are, it's easier if you make an effort to make them more tired than you. They are more satisfied, quietier and go with the flow much easier. The other night when I picked The Divine Miss M. from the daycare facility I decided immediately this energy had to be dealt with proactively. I announced to her as soon as I put her into her car seat that we were going to go home and play in the sprinkler. Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as she was anticipating the fun. And fun we had. Sean got home from a quick walk with Teddy and joined us under the sprinkler ( dual purpose here..I was able to water my shrubs also ). We ran her as ragged as we feel some days after work. It worked....she was mostly complacent, calm and easy going. Much better than some nights when she is a bit on the defiant side. So...having learned that it's easier to fight fire with fire I have pretty much realized that the beat harried feeling is going to be the norm for awhile...all in an effort to please a 3 year old. The bonus of course is that she will enjoy herself more, be less bored and enjoy our company. Now...planning all those extra activities....