Tuesday, April 15, 2008

moving chess pieces....

what a bit of wonderful news we got in the last few weeks!

our resource worker, who is the person assigned to us to help us along the path of fostering and adoption, let us know that after 2 and a half years she was getting a transfer to another role and would no longer be our resource worker.

Now, she's the one that helped us get licensed and trained and matched to kids so of all the people in the system, she's the one that started us on the journey.

this was a bit of a let down as she's the one that we've worked with the longest and we'd grown attached. you don't hear too often about foster parents getting attached to workers..it's the kids you get attached to isn't it?

well when you get a resource worker who is great with kids, smart and reliable, i don't know about you but we get attached!

so the surprise we got was that about 3 weeks after this news of transfer, the new case worker assigned to the newest kids is...the old resource worker.

we were delighted at this coincidence. the kids certainly enjoyed having a familiar face in the house.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting your blog! It's great for those of us *thinking* about taking the first steps on this, to see that others are doing it and hear how it goes, the ups and the downs.

Andrew's Daddies said...

Her is our story