Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ok...So I guess it's my turn. I can never really put a finger on what had got me thinking about adoption years ago. I know I was in my mid to late 20's when I thought if I didn't work so much I would love to adopt. BACK TO THE FUTURE - Here we are. Classes, reading, talking to people and things are rolling. We have our first and probably only foster child -- long story on way I would say it that way -- who, who knows, may actually become eligible for adoption. One thing I had also said through the entire process was I was not the least bit crazy about adopting a lone female... I wanted it to be a male first and then possibly a female. Sorry if I sound "discriminatory" toward you females..but you all remember what you were like in your teens, right?? Teen girls..yeah, there's a definition rarely used for the word rational. LOL -- All kidding aside, we have a 3yr old foster child. She is a handful, but she is not bad. The adjustment is the toughest part. It's not like having a baby and working up to's ( doorbell ring in the background ) here she is !! The biggest adjustment I would have to say is the internal "ME" that we all have. No matter how unselfish or un-self involved one may think they are, it takes a child to make you suddenly realize you are a bit on the self concerned side. No matter how hard you tried over the years to make yourself less so. Trying to do everything for her that we can, yet having to keep remembering she may actually leave is tough. Ok..I am rambling, but I did want to put something down before Sean killed me for not posting - LOL :-)


Anonymous said...

I guess it's discriminatory, but I'm kind of a misogynist...

"Mean Girls" wasn't much of a hyperbole.